Friday, October 1, 2010

Taking time-out from facebook

Now I've heard this before. In the lunchrooms, on the radio, etc. I decided to take some time out from facebook to have more time for lots of things I have missed and neglected to do. Being on facebook does not really add any value to me anymore other than having this urge to see what is going on and be disappointed over and over that nothing out of the ordinary is going on. I have decided keep my facebook deactivited until I have written my PMI project management certification exam which is a priority at the moment. I miss blogging, something I have neglected entirely for the past couple of months. Blogging gives me great satisfaction even though I don't have schools of followers. The satisfaction, for me, lies in the sharing part, even though I don't have schools of followers I am happy if my blog posts gets read even without a comment. It's great to have a bit of time to catch up on some leisure reading, much more relaxing and gratifying than clicking around on facebook. So for now I am enjoying my freedom from facebook, I may even extend my freedom beyond the expected return date.

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